Monday 23 December 2013

Quality requirements of Warp and Weft in weaving

- For maximum production (per loom and per operative).
- For best quality.
- To achieve this quality of warp and weft should be good. Poor quality of warp and weft causes frequent breakages. So loom has to be stopped frequently which badly affects productivity. Poor quality of warp and weft can lead to production of fabric with inferior quality. SO FOR THE BEST RESULT IN WEAVING , THE BEST QUALITY OF WARP AND WEFT IS THE MUST.
1. To produce fabric of uniform quality, the tension of warp threads across the width should be same i.e if there are 500 ends, tension of all of them should be same. Similarly the tension of warp sheet as it is unwound from weaver’s beam should also be same.
2. The end should be free from any place that can cause breakage during weaving or can give bad appearance to the cloth. E.g.
(a)A weak place can cause breakage during weaving.
(b)A thick place can cause breakage and give bad appearance.
(c)A thin place can cause bad appearance. Particularly thinner place continuing over a long distance, say 1 or 2m will give bad appearance, as in that portion a fine crack like appearance may be seen.
3. During weaving warp threads are kept under considerable tension and are subjected to the abrasive action of the healds, other moving parts and also of the neighbouring threads of warp. The warp threads should be strong enough to resist these actions without breaking.
The weft is supplied to weaving by using any of the following,
(a) For shuttle looms weft is wound on pirns. The pirn fits in to a shuttle. The shuttle is projected into the shed. So supply of weft is in the form of pirn wound with weft.
(b) For shuttle looms fitted with “UNFIL” loom winder, pirn winding is done by a special mechanism on loom itself. So supply of weft is in form of cones or cheese.
(c) For looms in which insertion of weft is not by shuttle carrying pirn are called shuttle-less looms. In these looms (generally) weft insertion takes place from one side of the loom. The weft is withdrawn from the packages such as cones or cheeses and it is inserted into the shed by some carrier (gripper, rapier or air jet or water jet).
As Stated above pirn or cone or cheese can be the package of weft supply. Here also the unwinding tension should be as uniform as possible to produce the fabric of uniform quality and also any factor, such as slough off, entanglement etc., that can cause breakage of weft, should be taken care off. The weft thread should be free from weak places, thick places, thin places, etc., that can cause breakage or give bad appearance to the fabric

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